Nancy Chambers

Nancy began her artistic endeavours at a young age but after taking an early art A Level at age 15, academic studies took over, leading to a 30 year career in the charity sector. She kept painting throughout and in 2019 was persuaded by artist friends to exhibit her work. Fast forward 2 years and Nancy has sold work globally, had worked selected for prestigious exhibitions and been invited to exhibit alongside doyennes of the art world including Antony Gormley, Grayson Perry and Maggi Hambling.

She says “I have been delighted that my paintings have received wide appreciation and now hang in homes as far afield as New York, Jerusalem and Melbourne.”

“I aim to capture an essence rather than a literal interpretation of each subject. I enjoy not just the colour but the textural quality of paint and I work with both to achieve the finished painting. With a dandelion, for instance, I paint with needles to capture their distinctive petals and for my poppy paintings I make my own ‘palette knives’ from recycled plastic.”

Nancy had work selected by the judges for the Royal West of England Open Exhibition 2020/21, Broadway Arts Festival 2021 and shortlisted for the Bath Society of Artists Open Exhibition (November 2021).

She says “I am excited to be working in partnership with select galleries across the UK such as Kingfisher Art in Chipping Norton as it means more people can see my work.”

The common thread in the subject matter is Nancy’s love of nature, and her contemporary floral still life paintings are inspired by species grown in her small city garden.